closing a sale? You must be prepared! This is some great life advice not just sales advice and it had a profound impact on me. “Prepare to win, or lose to someone who is.” Jeffrey Gitomer wrote that in the Little Red Book of Selling.
Think about it for a moment and what that really means, ask yourself are you doing everything you can to accomplish your sales goals, your life goals? Well if your answer is no then you will lose to someone who is…but since you’re on this site I know you are at least trying to learn more about selling, and making money and that is an excellent start.
Be prepared by learning this topic; be prepared by practicing what you have learned on others and exploring other sites and opportunities beyond this one. Are you listening to motivational tapes or sales books in your car on your way to work? Are you practicing what you have learned here? Are you making an effort to implement these closing strategies, or are you the know-it-all salesman who knows but doesn’t do? If you are one then you will lose when it comes to closing the sale.
How to close isn’t just about what you should do to increase your chances of making sales, it’s about putting in the effort, learning, applying and trying and then you will know what it takes to sell is a combination of everything, because if you’re not going to do it, there is somebody else who is, and you will lose out on closing a sale!
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